"When I have more time." "I'm too busy." "I can't get to that 'til next month." "I'm just exhausted!" "There isn't enough time." "The only slot I have open for next month is on Tuesday afternoon." Have you said or heard any of those recently? Maybe daily?
I actually miss the pandemic. Well, the forced slowing down of it anyway. The excuse it gave people to actually pause their busy lives and, hopefully, remember what really matters. However, we've moved on and are back in the "get it all done now" flow. What exactly are we rushing to? Do we even know why we keep piling more on our plate, squeezing more into our already crazy busy schedules, or continuing to create new technologies to "improve" our lives and make things easier for us? We should be able to accomplish what it used to take us days to do in a matter of minutes now. Why haven't we taken advantage of that and turned our 8 hour work days into 2 hours? What might you do with 6 extra hours of time in your day? Do we fill it with other things that pile more on? Could it be that technology has also provided us with time fillers?

All this racing and rushing has us disconnecting from the things that truly matter- the relationships we no longer have time for short of a thumbs up as we scroll by, doing our best to keep as up-to-date as we can. The speed at which we are living drives a bigger wedge into the separation we feel. It even causes a separation from those we are working so hard to benefit. Are you racing full steam ahead in search of the answers? Are you looking for answers to what is mine to do at this time? Do you know what to say or even to care about at this time? The answers are not out there at the end of the race. You can keep going, looking, and searching, but the first true step in finding them is to slow down. The answers you seek are not found outside of you. They are not found in the next book, next job, next course, or next move. That is why no matter how fast or far you go, you are still searching. You might even need to STOP - so you can get grounded, and centered, so you can listen to the answers that you will find within. This may sound easier to do than it is. We are used to listening with our ears to the sounds and words that come from outside us. They are spoken by so many who surround us. We seem to live within a bubble of constant chatter. How many commercials, or well meaning advice givers are you exposed to daily?
It takes practice to silence the chatter, to reconnect and return to our soul guided life. As a child we were more connected with emotions as the language of our soul. It was more acceptable to play in our imagination and allow the feelings to be seen and heard. Then we had to grow up and listen to what society tells us to do and to "be adults." We have forgotten how to listen within. This loss has caused separation not only between humans, but also with the rest of the natural world. We must learn to reconnect and seek the answers from within ourselves, as well as, from the many wise ones who have inhabited this planet far longer than we humans have. They have answers that can guide us during these difficult times.
If this sounds like something you'd be interested in learning I have several free events giving you guidance and practice to reconnecting. Check out my event page to find the most current listings. They include Wonder Wanders, Loving Breath guided meditations, and Earth Listening circles which are offered both in-person and virtually. If you are seeking deeper answers for soul guidance of self, by reconnecting on your path, please look at the offerings page to schedule one-on-one options like a 30 min free Discovery Call, an hour long Wander & Ponder, or even a two hour Nature Connection Guiding Session. I look forward to connecting with you soon and guiding you in your next steps along your path. Lastly, thanks go to The Steve Miller Band for putting that tune in my head. Put it in your head too - by listening here. Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping...